Edoardo Borgiani
COMMBINI – COmputational Mechanobiological Model of Bone INjury Immunoresponse
- Bone fracture healing
- Mechanobiology
- In silico modeling
- FE analysis
- Agent-based model
- Immune response
COMMBINI is a multiscale computer model that proposes to investigate the role of inflammatory response in bone fracture healing. It investigates how mechano-biological hidden mechanisms can drive the fractured bone to a complete restoration within a reasonable time. The behavior of tissues, cells and subcellular elements is simulated since the fracture opening and through the inflammatory phase and early repair stage to observe how the influence of mechanical and biological factors can influence the healing outcome. The employment of an agent-based model to simulate the dynamical evolution of cellular populations will generate novel insights in the investigation of mechano-biological treatments that can support fracture healing at the cellular level since its early inflammatory stage.
- PhD in Biomechanics (Dr. Ing.), Technische Universität Berlin, Germany.
Dissertation title: Multiscale in silico model to investigate compromised bone healing conditions.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sara Checa, Prof. Dr. Georg Duda, Prof. Dr. Manfred Zehn - Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Seconda Facoltá di Ingegneria, Universitá di Bologna, Cesena, Italy.
Dissertation title: Geometrical optimization of a short-stem hip implant for the reduction of proximal stress shielding.
Supervisors: Dr. Myriam Cilla, Prof. Dr. Luca Cristofolini. - Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering, Seconda Facoltá di Ingegneria, Universitá di Bologna, Cesena, Italy.
Dissertation title: Measurements of stresses on a human femur with different kinds of hip joint prosthesis.
Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Luca Cristofolini.
edoardo.borgiani [at] kuleuven.be
edoardo.borgiani [at] uliege.be
BMe, Department of Mechanical Engineering, KU Leuven
Celestijnenlaan 300C
B-3001 Heverlee, Belgium
+32 16 379504
Biomechanics Research Unit, GIGA In Silico Medicine, University of Liège
Quartier Hôpital, Avenue de l’Hôpital 1
4000 Liège, Belgium