Luiz Ladeira
ONTOX – Ontology-driven and artificial intelligence-based repeated dose toxicity testing of chemicals for next generation risk assessment
- In silico medicine
- Toxicology
- Physiology
- Cell Biology
- New Approach Methods
- Network Analysis
ONTOX is a European project aiming to provide a strategy for developing innovative new approach methodologies (NAMs) to predict systemic repeated dose toxicity effects, which can improve the human risk assessment when combined with personalized exposure assessment. The initiative focuses on predicting toxicity for six particular conditions: (i) neural tube closure defects, (ii) cognitive function defects, (iii) liver steatosis, (iv) cholestasis, (v) renal tubular necrosis, and (vi) crystallopathy. Within ONTOX, our Biomech team is responsible for producing physiological maps for the different case studies, which serve as a foundation for the development and refinement of adverse outcome pathways (AOPs), improvement of in vitro test batteries, and computational models for toxicity prediction. From these physiological maps, our team will also drive the creation of chemical-induced disease ontologies, by adding several layers of information such as pathological, toxicological, chemical and kinetic data. More information can be found on the project webpage: https://ontox-project.eu/.
- Doctoral degree in Cell and Structural Biology at Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil (2021).
- Master’s degree in Cell and Structural Biology at Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil (2017).
- Bachelor degree in Human Nutrition at Federal University of Viçosa, Brazil (2014).
lcladeira [at] uliege.be
Biomechanics Research Unit
GIGA-In silico Medicine – University of Liège
Avenue de l’Hôpital, 11– 4000 Liège – Belgium