
Sophie has received a travel award from the Fondation Arthrose

Sophie Bekisz has received a travel award from the Fondation Arthrose/Osteoarthritis Foundation, which will allow her to attend an international scientific conference on osteoarthritis. She will present her work on the influence of the lymphatic system on joint pathologies – a connection with great potential in the fight against osteoarthritis. (Photo will follow soon)
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Sophie presented at the Lymphatics GRS and GRC

Sophie Bekisz attended both the Lymphatics Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC), which took place at Ventura (California, US) from 2nd to 8th of March 2024. She presented her poster at both events, which was entitled “Investigation of lymphatic endothelial cell sprouting behavior in pathological conditions through a combined in vitro – in silico[...]
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Sophie presented her work at the EVBO Summer School

Sophie Bekisz presented her work at the European Vascular Biology Organization (EVBO) Summer School, which took place in Barcelona (Spain) from 5 to 7 July 2023. This summer school was about single cells, spatial transcriptomics and model systems for vascular biology (organoids, zebrafish and mice). Her poster was about the investigation of lymphangiogenic sprouting through in vitro and[...]
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Loïc and Sophie attended the 2nd MicroPhysiological Systems World Summit

Loïc Comeliau and Sophie Bekisz had the opportunity to attend the 2nd MicroPhysiological Systems (MPS) World Summit, which took place from 26 to 30 June 2023 in Berlin (Germany). In their words, “This meeting was incredible, with more than 1300 participants, 150 talks, an amazing organization and a lot of rewarding discussions about microphysiological systems”. They gained a[...]
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Loïc and Sophie presented at the 15th International Conference SBHD

Loïc Comeliau and Sophie Bekisz presented their work at the 15th International Conference Systems Biology of Human Diseases (SBHD), which took place from 19 to 21 June 2023 in Berlin (Germany). Their poster was about the combination of mechanistic and inferred network construction approaches to investigate lymphatic endothelial cell behavior in pathological conditions.
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Sophie has received an operating grant from the Foundation Leon Fredericq

Sophie Bekisz has received an operating grant from the Foundation Leon Fredericq. The aim of the Foundation Leon Fredericq, a university hospital foundation in Liège, is to support and strengthen medical and biomedical research in Liège in all fields of medicine, but also to support innovative projects carried out by the University Hospital of Liège for the[...]
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Sophie received the best poster prize at the Lymphatic GRS

Sophie Bekisz received the best poster prize at the Lymphatic Gordon Research Seminar 2022. Congratulations, Sophie! Sophie attended both the Lymphatic Gordon Research Seminar (GRS) and Conference (GRC), which took place at Lucca, Italy from 29th to 30th October (GRS) and from 30th October to 4th November, respectively. She presented her poster in both events, which[...]
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ECMTB 2022: Sophie and Laura will present their research

Sophie Bekisz and Laura Lafuente-Gracia will present their research at the 12th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ECMTB, The conference will take place in Heidelberg (Germany) from 19 to 23 September 2022. Both Sophie and Laura will present a poster at the conference. The corresponding titles are: Sophie: “An agent-based model to investigate the role of[...]
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VPH 2022: Several team members will present their research

Mojtaba Barzegari, Sophie Bekisz, Alessio Gamba, Luiz Ladeira, Laura Lafuente-Gracia, and Satanik Mukherjee will present their research at the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) Conference ( As executive director of the VPH Institute, Liesbet Geris will also attend the conference. The conference will take place in Porto (Portugal) from 6 to 9 September 2022. The titles of the[...]
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