
Marc and Lies published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal

Marc Joiret and Liesbet Geris have published the original research paper “Reversing the relative time courses of the peptide bond reaction with oligopeptides of different lengths and charged amino acid distributions in the ribosome exit tunnel” in the Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal. You can read the full paper here. Well done!
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Marc will present at the GIGA day 2023

Marc Joiret will present a poster titled “Cracking the genetic code with neural networks” at the upcoming GIGA day 2023 about Neural networks: real versus man-made, on Monday 4 September in Liège University, Sart-Tilman campus, Belgium.
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Marc and Lies have published in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal

Marc Joiret and Liesbet Geris have published a research article in Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal, entitled “A simple geometrical model of the electrostatic environment around the catalytic center of the ribosome and its significance for the elongation cycle kinetics”. The complete article can be read here. The supplementary material includes a video showing how to calculate the ribosome[...]
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Marc and Lies have published in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence

Marc Joired and Liesbet Geris have published the paper ‘Cracking the genetic code with neural networks’ in Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. It is a didactical/pedagogical paper targeting the biomedical community about the trade-off between ‘understandability/complexity’ of a deep learning algorithm and data efficiency (amount of data required to reach a given loss or a given accuracy).[...]
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Translational Control 2022: Marc will present

Marc Joiret will present a poster at the conference of Translational Control 2022 (website). The conference will take place in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (CSHL) in New York (USA) from 6 to 10 September 2022. The poster is focused on the mechano-chemistry of the catalytic site of the ribosome and on the effect of forces[...]
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Marc and Lies have published in Physical Review E

Marc Joiret and Lies Geris, among other authors, have published an original research article in Physical Review E. The publication is entitled “Ribosome exit tunnel electrostatics”. Well done! Follow the link to read it:
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Marc will present his research in an EMBO/EMBL workshop

Marc Joiret will attend an EMBO/EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) workshop and present a poster. His poster title is “Protein translation rate modeling with extended TASEP incorporating tRNA modifications effects”. The workshop title is “Protein Synthesis and Translational Control” and will be held from 4 to 7 September in Heidelberg, Germany (
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