ICT2022: Alessio, Bernard and Luiz will present their work

Alessio Gamba, Luiz Ladeira and Bernard Staumont will present their research at the 16th International Congress of Toxicology (ICT, https://www.ict2022.com/). The congress will take place in Maastricht (The Netherlands) from 18 to 21 September, 2022.

The titles of their presentations are:

  • Alessio Gamba (poster): “New approaches for evaluating kidney toxicity using physiological maps”
  • Luiz Ladeira (poster): “Physiology-based framework to study chemical-induced cholestasis”
  • Bernard Staumont (oral presentation): “Physiological maps: a benchmark tool for adverse outcome pathways and a cornerstone for the development of disease ontologies”

They work on establishing physiological maps and disease ontologies for selected systemic repeated dose toxicity effects and their corresponding organs (liver, kidney and developing brain). This work is part of the ONTOX project (www.ontox-project.eu).

The conference is promoted by the International Union of Toxicology (IUTOX, https://www.iutox.org/), the Federation of European Toxicologists & European Societies of Toxicology (EUROTOX, https://www.eurotox.com/), and the Nederlandse Vereniging voor Toxicologie (NVT, https://toxicologie.nl/).