ESB 2021: Edoardo, Laura and Satanik will present their research

Edoardo Borgiani, Laura Lafuente-Gracia and Satanik Mukherjee will present their work in ESBiomech 2021. The conference will be held online from 11 to 14 July in Milan, Italy (

The titles of the presentations are:

  • Edoardo Borgiani (oral presentation): “COMMBINI: COmputational Mechanobiological Model of Bone INjury Immunoresponse”
  • Laura Lafuente-Gracia (oral presentation): “Wrap me up and let me heal: in silico modeling of bone regeneration using a bioengineered periosteal membrane”
  • Satanik Mukherjee (oral presentation): “Interplay of mechanical and inflammatory cues in osteoarthritis: a multiscale in-silico approach”